Welcome to Brookside Wesleyan Church
Our mission is to help people live in the way of Jesus, with the heart of Jesus

We're committed to the life-giving Christian faith that is guided by God's Word, the Bible. The life of the church is Christ-centered, because the Bible's message of being made new is realized through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And we believe that we can be enabled to live a life of joy, hope, and love, in concert with God's character, by the power of God's Spirit working in us.

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Our mission is to help people live in the way of Jesus, with the heart of Jesus.
Need prayer? Counsel? Encouragement? Community? Hope? Text a message to (814)810-8198


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Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.

Latest News - Jonathan White Music Concert

Jonathan's vocal talent and personal testimony were a tremendous blessing to the church family on Sunday, June 11, 2023. We have already booked Jonathan again! The concert will be held on Sunday, June 9, 2024.